We have made every effort to ensure our fees reflect the usual and customary fees for our area. As with any professional service, our physicians appreciate prompt payment for their services.
We sincerely want to provide quality medical care at a reasonable cost and will openly discuss our fees and billing policies with you. We urge you to discuss any personal financial problems with us so payment arrangements, acceptable to both parties, may be arranged.
We participate in most insurance and HMO plans available in the area. Should you have any questions about whether we participate in your plan, a member of our office staff will be happy to assist you.
As a service to our patients with insurance, we will file all claims on behalf of the patient. Health insurance is designed to help you meet the cost of medical services. In most cases, it is not designed to pay total fees. Each insurance policy and healthcare provider offers its own terms.
If you are unsure of your policy coverage, we recommend you call the 1-800 number listed on the back of your insurance card or visit your insurance company’s website.
We cannot hold another party responsible for payment of services that your receive. This applies to insurance companies, as well as to other parties, who you believe may be responsible for payment of your bills. We ask you to be responsible for full payment if you are not covered by insurance plans for which we are providers.